Once Upon A Time In The Digital Wild West

Once upon a time, in the vast expanse of the digital wild west, there lived a cowpoke named Jack. Jack was a simple man with big dreams, and tales of fortunes made in the land of crypto had reached his ears.

Jack, with stars in his eyes and visions of wealth dancing in his head, decided to wrangle his hard-earned savings and throw them into the realm of cryptocurrencies. He believed he’d strike gold and change his life forever.

He heard tell of a smooth-talking fella, they called him Sly Bill, who promised unimaginable riches and a ride to the moon with  his revolutionary crypto project.

 Jack, blinded by the gleam of promised wealth, didn’t see the snake oil in Sly Bill’s pitch, investing all his savings into Sly Bill’s project.

But alas, as the sun set on the horizon, Jack realized he’d been hornswoggled. Sly Bill’s promises were no more than smoke and mirrors. He watched in awe as the numbers on his screen danced like tumbleweeds in the wind, and the value of his investment plummeted faster than a spooked horse.

Heart heavy, spirit crushed, and pockets emptied, Jack found himself staring at a digital ghost town, his dreams of wealth shattered by Sly Bill’s deceit.

That day, Jack learned a hard lesson on the unforgiving plains of the crypto frontier. The wild world of digital currencies was as treacherous as the untamed prairies of old.

Though Jack’s pockets were lighter, he rode away from this ordeal a wiser cowpoke. He realized that while the crypto frontier held promise, it also harbored charlatans and scammers looking to prey on the hopeful and naive.

So, with a grit in his teeth and a steely resolve in his heart, Jack vowed to spread the word, hoping to spare others and the future generation to come from falling prey to the likes of Sly Bill and his kind.

The Rally

In the wake of  Jack’s unfortunate encounter with Sly Bill, a determined spirit and a newfound sense of purpose stirred within him. Jack embarked on a mission: to seek a way to engrave their visages into the digital annals, ensuring that their infamy would live on as a stark reminder to all who dared tread these virtual plains.

Jack knew that his tale of deception wasn’t just his own- as such he hoped to rally folks who, like him, had felt the sting of betrayal in this digital wilderness. In the heart of their venture, lies a singular opportunity—a chance to immortalize the faces of the most notorious fraudsters and charlatans of the crypto world.

The Crypto Frauds

And thus, the idea was born: minting a single NFT associated with one notorious fraudster, forever to be etched into the blockchain’s immutable ledger. This NFT would stand as a symbol—a symbol of resilience, education, and a communal effort to protect fellow adventurers from falling prey to the schemes and falsehoods spun by crypto fraudsters. It would be a beacon of vigilance, urging all who crossed its path to tread carefully, to research, and to question the promises that glittered like fool’s gold.

This wasn’t an ordinary NFT minting—it was a rallying cry, a gesture to spread awareness, and a tribute to caution in the untamed frontier of crypto. By minting one NFT associated with a crypto fraudster, one would become a guardian of the unwary, spreading the word of caution, and leaving an indelible mark on the digital landscape.

Let’s mint infamy together shouted Jack to his fellow partners! Let’s etch a legacy that’ll echo through the ages of the crypto frontier.

The Quest For The Complete Set

Within this vast collection of 63k NFTs, there were 9 notorious fraudsters, each with their own saga of deception, ready to be minted. These digital relics, totaling 7000 NFTs for each fraudster, were up for grabs, waiting to find their way into the hands of brave collectors and cunning prospectors.

Those few who got the grit, determination and luck to mint all 9 fraudsters from the same wallet would become the owners of a legendary collection within the collection!